The diagnosis of cancer opens up gates of fear, anxiety and depression for many people. It is indeed a difficult diagnosis with a long treatment duration. It can turn life upside down. However, it is treatable, especially if caught early. The treatment for bone cancer is different in different people depending on their condition, location and size of the tumour. If you are concerned about your health, it is best to get it checked on time!
At orthopedic clinic in Pakistan, we provide bone cancer treatment in Lahore, including all types of bone cancer. If you are suffering from bone pain, then you should get it checked by a skilled and competent specialist. Dr Ahmed Shoaib is a well qualified orthopedic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. His time at Shaukat Khanam Hospital reflects his expertise in treating bone cancer. He received the distinction of performing the highest number of limb-sparing procedures. Dr Ahmed Shoaib make sure his patients return to their lives as soon as possible.
Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body. The human body is made up of trillions of cells. Normally, cells in the human body grow and multiply through a process called cell division to form new cells. When the cells grow old or get damaged, they die, and the new cells take their place. When there is an abnormal growth of cells and cells grow and multiply when they shouldn’t, they form a mass called a tumour. It can be a malignant or benign tumour. Benign tumours do not spread, and when removed, they do not grow back. However, malignant tumours can grow and spread to other parts of the body.
Cancer can develop in any part of the body. When the cells in the bone start to grow out of control, they form bone cancer. Bone cancer can be primary bone cancer or secondary bone cancer. Primary bone cancer starts in the bone. Secondary bone cancer develops somewhere else in the body and spread to the bone. This is called bone metastasis. Bone cancer is rare type of cancer.
Bone cancer can start in any bone, but most commonly, it occurs in the hipbone or the long bones of the leg and arm. The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain in the bones and joints, which can get worse at night or during activity. Other symptoms include;
The cause of bone cancer is not known. However, there are certain factors that increase the risk of developing bone cancer. Previous radiation therapy for the treatment of other cancers increases the risk of developing bone cancer. Bone cancer can also develop in people with some other bone condition, such as Paget’s disease. Genetic factors also contribute, such as people with a strong family history of bone cancer or inherited condition, for example, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, who are more likely to get bone cancer.
Chondrosarcoma is the second most common type of primary bone cancer. It is rare in young people, but the risk increases as people get older. Chondrosarcoma starts in the early forms of the cartilage cells. It can occur anywhere there’s cartilage.
It starts in a tissue called cartilage, which is a soft connective tissue that enables movement between bones and joints. Over time, some cartilage becomes bone when the body adds calcium to it. Moreover, it commonly occurs in the pelvis, thigh, and shoulder and usually affects older adults.
Ewing sarcoma is further divided into two categories. It can start in the bone and called an Ewing sarcoma of the bone, or it can also develop in the soft tissues around bones and is known as extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma. Ewing sarcoma can develop at any age, but is more common in older children and teens.
It is the cancer of the spine. It either occurs at the end of the spine or at the base of the skull. Chordoma is a very uncommon type of bone cancer. It grows slowly and usually do not spread to other parts of the body. It affects adults older then 30 years and rarely seen in children.
Multiple myeloma starts in the plasma cells of the bone marrow. Plasma cells are an important part of the immune system. It is called multiple myeloma because it spreads and affects other parts of the body. It is not considered as a primary bone cancer as it does not start in the bone.
Secondary or metastatic bone cancer refers to the cancer that started somewhere else in the body and has spread to the bones. Cancer is named after the location where it started. For example, if lung cancer has spread to the bone, it is called lung cancer with bone secondaries, not bone cancer. It is more common than primary bone cancer.
The symptoms of bone cancer can differ based on factors such as the type, location, and stage of the cancer. However, some common bone cancer symptoms are:
The exact cause of bone cancer is often unknown. However, bone cancer causes are believed to be influenced by various factors that increase the risk of its development. Among these factors, exposure to radiation or drugs during treatment for other cancers stands out as the most significant. Additionally, some bone cancer may arise from hereditary conditions passed down in families, though this is not typically observed.
After someone is diagnosed with cancer, the next step is to figure out whether it has spread or not, and if it has, then how much. This process is called the staging of cancer. It helps determine how serious the patient’s condition is and what the best treatment is. It is the standard way for the cancer care team to find out the extent of the cancer. The TNM staging system is used for bone cancer treatment in Lahore. This system uses results from physical exams, imaging tests, and any biopsy that has been performed to describe the stage of the cancer. TNM stands for Tumor, Node, and Metastasis. Tumour (T) refers to the size and location of the tumour; it explains whether it has spread or not. Node (N) describes whether the tumour has reached any nearby lymph nodes. Metastasis (M) explains if the tumour has spread to any other part of the body. Numbers or letters after T, N, and M provide more detail about each of these factors.
Staging of cancer is based on the size and location of the tumour and whether it has spread to other areas or not. Low-grade cancers grow and spread more slowly than high-grade cancers. Primary bone cancer staging is classified into four stages;
The tumor is low grade and the cancer cells are localized in the area where they started and have not spread to any other part of the body. It is smaller in size the cancer cells are localized.
The cancer cells are still localized and it has not spread to anywhere else. However the tumor is high grade, it is growing fast and will soon spread to nearby structures.
The cancer is high-grade. The cancer cells are in more than one place in the same bone. They have not spread to any other structures.
At this point, the cancer has metastasized, and the cancer cells from the bone have spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver and lungs.
If you are feeling bone pain, our healthcare providers in Lahore will perform a complete physical exam based on what you tell them. They will ask about your symptoms and examine the affected area. They will look for swelling or lumps in the affected area and ask you if you have difficulty performing daily activities. On the basis of your physical tests, other lab tests are recommended. Blood tests are performed, including a full blood count, to check your general health. Imaging tests such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and PET scans are done to reveal any damage or abnormality in the bones. To confirm the diagnosis, a test called biopsy is performed, in which a small piece of tissue is removed from the affected area. It is then sent to the lab to be examined under the microscope. A biopsy can tell what type of cancer the patient has and what grade it is.
Bone cancer disease treatment depends on the type of cancer you have, how much it has spread, your age, and your general health. There are three main treatment options for bone cancer, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and Arthroscopic Surgery to remove the cancer. These three can be used alone or in combination with one another to treat bone cancer based on the size and severity of the cancer. For example, some cancers can be treated with surgery only, while some with surgery and chemotherapy, and some need surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Various medicines are also prescribed to patients with bone cancer, along with another form of treatment to relieve pain and target the cancer cells. Pain medicines are prescribed for people undergoing treatment for bone cancer. These medications help to reduce swelling and discomfort. Another group of medicines called bisphosphonates are given to protect the structure of the bone and prevent bone loss. Cytotoxic medicines are also prescribed to these patients. These medicines stop the growth of the cancerous cells. Immunotherapy medicines are used to improve the patient’s immune system. It encourages the immune system to kill the cancerous cells.
The surgery for bone cancer involves removing the cancer, the affected bone and some healthy tissue around it. The bone that is removed is replaced either with a metal prosthesis or with a piece of healthy bone from another part of your body, called bone graft. Sometimes removing the limb i.e. leg or arm, becomes necessary to remove the cancer, however this is becoming less common as limb sparing surgery can be performed in most of the cases.
Radiation therapy uses high-powered energy of x-rays to kill the cancer cells. It can be used before the surgery to shrink the tumor or it can be used after the procedure to kill any left over cancer cells. During radiation therapy, you will lie on a table and a machine moves around you, it aims the high energy beam on the specific points on your body.
Chemotherapy uses strong anti-cancer medicines to kill the cancer cells. These medicines can be given via pills or through IV injections. Chemotherapy can be given before the surgery to shrink the tumor. It can be combined with radiation therapy, chemoradiation. Chemotherapy can also be given after the surgery to stop the cancer from returning. It is also used as palliative care, to control the symptoms in case when cure is not possible.
Bone cancer is rare. The diagnosis of bone cancer tends to appear suddenly one day out of nowhere. No one can doubt that the pain they are feeling in their bones can be bone cancer. It is identified after a number of tests. If you are suffering from the symptoms mentioned above, consult a specialist and get it checked. The success rate of treatment is higher when cancer is caught in the early stages when it has not yet spread. The more you delay, the worse your condition gets.
At our orthopedic clinic, we try to provide all the support you need during this difficult time. Dealing with cancer can be hard, but it can also be the time to look at life differently.
Depending on the type and extent of treatment received, individuals may experience long-term side effects such as bone weakness, joint stiffness, nerve damage, or an elevated risk of developing other health problems. However, many people are able to resume normal activities and lead fulfilling lives after treatment.
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