Free Your Hands, Ease Your Pain with
our Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments
in Lahore

Wrist and Hand Pain Treatment

Are you feeling pain and numbness in one or both of your hands that get worse at night, and sometimes you even wake up in the middle of the night due to this pain? There are a variety of reasons that can cause pain in your hand and wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common causes of hand and wrist pain. It also weakens your grip, making daily routine tasks very difficult, such as buttoning your shirt or holding your phone. However, if you get it checked when it is only mild pain, you can prevent severe consequences. 

If you are experiencing pain similar to this, then it might be the right time to Consult with Dr Ahmed Shoaib about it. When it comes to your health, always consider someone with the right qualifications and experience. At our clinic, we are providing carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Lahore. Whether it's just mild pain or severe functional impairment, we have the right treatment for you. Learn more about the structure, symptoms, causes, and treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome to make an informed decision. 

Wrist and Hand Pain Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Lahore

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage in the wrist. It is about an inch wide. The floor and sides of this tunnel are made of small wrist bones called carpal bones. The roof of this tunnel is made of a strong band of connective tissue called transverse carpal ligament. The median nerve passes through this tunnel on its way to the hands and fingers. This nerve allows for the feelings and sensations in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. The tendons that help in the bending of the fingers and thumb also pass through this tunnel. So, the carpal tunnel is present in your wrist to provide a safe passage to very important structures. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a very common condition that causes numbness, tingling sensation, pain, and weakness in one or both of your hands. It occurs because the median nerve, which is passing through the carpal tunnel, gets compressed or squeezed. If left untreated for too long, it can get worse leading to permanent dysfunction of the hand. Therefore timely treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome holds importance. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Risk Factors of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS is common and can affect anyone regardless of age or gender, but certain factors can make it more likely.



Women, in general, have a smaller carpal tunnel size than men, so they are more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy and menopause also increase the chances of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. 


Workplace factor

Some people have to use their hand or wrist in repetitive movements for long period of time at their jobs. These can include musicians, computer workers or people who work with vibrating tools such as drill machines, etc. 



Obesity is a risk factor for many medical conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome. Excess fat can put pressure on the median nerve, causing CTS. 


Health Conditions

Having certain medical conditions also increases the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, gout, etc. 


Natural Structure

Some people can naturally have smaller carpal tunnels, or the passageway for the median nerve can become narrow for some other reason, contributing to an increased risk of CTS. 

Causes Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the pressure on the median nerve. Mostly, a combination of different factors are responsible for irritating or damaging the median nerve, including; 


Repetitive Strain Injuries

Using the hand and wrist in repetitive motion for a prolonged period can aggravate the tendons in the wrist. It can cause swelling and put pressure on the median nerve, generating the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. 



Swelling and inflammation resulting from rheumatoid arthritis contributes towards developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Moreover, arthritis can also cause changes to the small bones in the wrist, affecting carpal tunnel. 



Sudden twists or bending movements causing a sprain at the wrist joint can also damage the median nerve or put pressure on it.


Wrist Fractures

Fractures or dislocations of the wrist joint changes the space in the carpal tunnel and can make it small. These changes in the space can put pressure on median nerve.



Carpal tunnel syndrome also runs in the family, so it can be hereditary. If any close blood relative has CTS, then you are more likely to develop it as well, whether your activities put you at risk or not.  


These causes can help you identify whether you are at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome or not. If feel like the pain in your hand and wrist can be due carpal tunnel syndrome, then get it checked today, as it can get worse with time. As this condition gets worse with time, and if left untreated for a longer duration, the symptoms will get severe. Getting carpal tunnel syndrome treated early makes a huge difference in the outcome. 

Dr. Ahmed Shoaib

Who is Dr. Ahmed Shoaib?

Dr. Ahmed Shoaib is a highly reputed orthopedic surgeon in Lahore. He is famous for his professional expertise and compassionate care for his patients. He is the founder of Orthocenter, an orthopedic clinic in Lahore, Pakistan. For over 20 years Dr. Shoaib has been offering services and procedures such as Knee replacements, Ankle fracture repair, bone cancer surgery, Wrist & shoulder Fracture surgeries, Arthroscopic Surgery, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment, Hip Replacement, Joint injections and Replacement procedures.

He earned his MBBS from Allama Iqbal Medical College in 2002. After that he went to the UK to pursue advanced training. He achieved MRCS in 2006 and FRCS in Trauma and Orthopedics in 2017.

Dr. Ahmed Shoaib has also been actively contributing to medical research. His research has been published in esteemed journals and presented globally. Upon returning to Pakistan in 2020, he brought his vast knowledge, years of experience, and passion for patient care. Here, he further enhanced orthopedic services and opened an Orthocenter in Lahore. Currently, he serves as a consultant orthopedic surgeon. He is committed to transforming the lives of his people through exceptional surgical care and advanced treatments.

Signs & Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a progressive condition that gets worse over time without proper care. It starts with mild pain that gradually escalates. The pain can increase at night, so much so that it can often wake you up at night. Common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include;  

The carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms can resemble other medical conditions as well. It’s best to get it properly checked by an experienced medical professional. Carpal tunnel syndrome grows slowly. Most people first notice it at night. With time, the symptoms start affecting your life. 

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Our health care providers in Lahore conduct detailed physical exams and perform some tests to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome. We will take your medical history and ask about your symptoms. We perform Tinel's and Phalen's tests to check the sensations in your hand. We look for weakness in the muscles of your hand. We check the sensitivity in your hand and fingertips. If it looks like carpal tunnel syndrome, then we will recommend tests to confirm the diagnosis. 

Electromyogram is the electrical testing of the median nerve function to detect the presence and extent of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Electrodiagnostic tests are also performed to stimulate the muscle and nerve to see how well they work. Other lab tests include performing x-rays, ultrasound and MRI to analyze the location and damage caused by CTS. These tests are the best way to diagnose the carpal tunnel syndrome. 

After getting the results, we discuss them with you and decide the best treatment option based on the damage and severity of your symptoms. At our clinic, we offer carpal tunnel syndrome treatment to relieve your pain and improve the quality of your life. 

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Non-Surgical Treatment

When carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed early and treated timely, it can be relieved without surgery. Non-surgical treatment is recommended when your symptoms are mild or when your diagnosis is uncertain. 

Wearing a brace or splint while sleeping stops you from bending your wrist. It keeps your wrist straight or in a neutral position, reducing the pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. It is also helpful to wear a splint when performing activities that increase your symptoms. 

We might also recommend you anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) to decrease the swelling and pain. Anti-inflammatory medicines can be oral or injected into the carpal tunnel space. You can also benefit from exercises that help the median nerve to move more freely within the carpal tunnel. Your physical therapist will recommend specific exercises for you. Your therapist can also help you to strengthen the muscles around the wrist joint. It can improve flexibility and decrease symptoms. Some people also find relief from other therapies, such as yoga or acupuncture, in order to decrease pain and improve function.  

Surgical Treatment

If non-surgical treatments fail to relieve your pain, we might recommend surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Lahore. The decision of whether to suggest surgery depends on your response to non-surgical treatment, results of tests, severity of your symptoms, and physical exam findings. Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery can improve your condition and prevent irreversible damage.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery

Carpal tunnel release is the surgical procedure performed to treat CTS. There are two surgical techniques to perform this procedure i.e. open and endoscopic carpal tunnel release. In both procedures, the pressure on the median nerve is released by making a cut in the ligament, which makes the roof of carpal tunnel, known as the transverse carpal ligament. This decreases tension in the carpal tunnel creating more space for the tendons and nerves. 

This procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means the patient can go home the same day. The procedure takes about 20-40 minutes, and it can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

Open Carpal Tunnel Release

During this procedure, a small cut is made in the palm of your hand. Through this cut, the structures inside your hand and wrist become visible. After this, a cut is made in the transverse carpal ligament, which is pressing on the nerves. By dividing this ligament, the size of the carpal tunnel is increased, and the pressure on the nerves is released. It allows for better blood flow to the nerves and improves the function of the nerves. The procedure is complete, and the incision is closed. The ligament may eventually grow back, elongated, after some time. However, there will be enough space within the carpal tunnel. 

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release

A long, thin rod, called an endoscope, is used in this procedure. There is a light and camera at the end of this rod, which is used to look inside your wrist. It is inserted through a small cut in your wrist. Other surgical tools are used to cut the transverse carpal ligament, the same as in an open procedure. After the procedure, the incision is closed. 

Both techniques have the same goal: to release the pressure on the median nerve. However, which procedure is best for you is decided based on your health and the severity of your symptoms. The procedures are discussed with the patient in detail before making the final decision. 

Both open and endoscopic surgeries have similar outcomes, and our doctor will discuss with you which technique is most suitable based on your needs and preferences.

Road to Recovery

After your surgery, you will have to wear a splint for one or two weeks. It will help you to keep your hand and wrist from moving during your recovery period. You will also be advised to keep your hand elevated while sleeping to help with the swelling. Sometimes, you might feel some pain, which can be managed by oral pain medication. It is encouraged to move the fingers and wrist after a few days of surgery to avoid stiffness. You will be allowed to use your hand for some light activities within your comfort zone. However, you might need to make changes to your work or home activities during your recovery period.

Recovery is different for each patient after carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. If your nerve was compressed for a long time before surgery, then recovery may take longer. Physical therapy can help with restoring your hand movement and strength. At our clinic, we treat carpal tunnel syndrome from mild to severe progression. Contact us now to get your symptoms checked!

Recovery of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Best Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Get The Best Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment In Lahore!

We cannot even start to imagine how life would be if we lost any function of our hands. With carpal tunnel syndrome, this is what happens. It starts as a mild discomfort and slowly increases with time. If left untreated for a longer duration, it can cause permanent damage that cannot be reversed, and thus, the lost function of the hand cannot be restored. It can be easy to ignore the occasional pain or tingling sensation in your hand, especially if it comes and goes. But we request that you do not ignore these symptoms. Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause permanent nerve damage if it is not treated soon enough.  

However, when caught on time, it is also very treatable and easily manageable. At our orthopedic clinic, we provide carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Lahore. Dr Ahmed Shoaib is a vastly experienced orthopedic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience. He completed his training and specialization in orthopedics in the UK and returned to his home country to serve his people. He performs surgical and non-surgical treatment depending on the severity of your case. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of his areas of specialization. He can help you with the pain and prevent any further damage. 

Remember, do not keep delaying getting it checked; time is of the essence here!


At night, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms worsen because tissue fluid in the arms redistributes when there is no active muscle pump.

The most protective hand position for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is neutral wrist alignment, where your hand aligns with your wrist. A flexed position is when your palm faces downward, with the fingers bent towards the inner wrist.  While an extended position is when your palm faces upward.

 If carpal tunnel is not treated, it can lead to nerve damage. Thus, resulting in permanent weakness, numbness, and tingling in the hand.

The most affected are the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers, whereas the little finger is usually spared.

A diet rich in processed foods may elevate the levels of pro-inflammatory proteins. It includes tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα), which is associated with worsening pain and inflammation in the wrist and hand.

Exercises commonly known to exacerbate symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include planks, push-ups, mountain climbers, burpees, snatches, and overhead squats.