Walk Without Limits, Reclaim Your
Mobility with Our Knee Replacement
in Lahore
Success Stories
Dr. Ahmed Shoaib truly cares about their patients and makes every visit comfortable and stress-free. Their expertise and compassionate approach have completely transformed Patients health journey!
Knee Replacement in Lahore
Knee pain is very common, especially with age, and naturally, it makes your life very difficult. There are several causes for knee pain, but mostly, it occurs when your joint becomes severely damaged due to conditions like osteoarthritis, injury, or other diseases. As a result, you feel intense pain, and your ability to move comfortably becomes limited. We try any other method before recommending surgery if it is at all possible. However, if there is bone-to-bone contact, surgery is necessary. Knee replacement and Joint Replacement Treatment surgery can help you reduce pain and move around comfortably.
During the knee replacement procedure, we remove the damaged parts of the knee joint and replace them with artificial implants. This procedure brings relief from pain and stiffness to the patient. People can go back to the activities they once enjoyed but had to give up due to knee pain. Activities of daily living such as walking, climbing stairs, and getting in and out of a chair become easy and less painful. A successful replacement should provide a stable limb that will give good to excellent function in more than 95% of patients. Dr Ahmed Shoaib is an accomplished expert in knee replacement in Lahore, dedicated to relieving your pain and restoring pain-free mobility for comfortable walking.

The Structure of Your Knee Joint
A joint is a place where one or more bones meet. Your knee joint is made up of three bones. The femur is the bone that goes from your knee upward to your hip. It is also the longest and the strongest bone in the human body. The tibia is the bone that goes downward from your knee to your ankle. Your kneecap is a small bone that is shaped like a triangle. It is located at the front of your knee joint and is called a patella. Your kneecap protects your knee. Muscles, tendons, cartilage and ligaments surround the bones in your knee joint. All these structures work together to keep your knee stable and moving smoothly. At your knee joint, you can perform two movements, i.e. bending and straightening, and also limited rotation. Your knee joint is designed to support weight-bearing activities such as walking, running, jumping, and climbing stairs.
Knee Replacement Surgery; Introduction
Knee replacement is also known as knee arthroplasty. It is a surgical procedure in which we replace the damaged area of your knee joint with artificial implants. It is one of the most commonly performed procedure. It is helpful in people with severe arthritis or other conditions that cause damage to the bones of knee joint. It can improve the alignment and function of your knee joint and help in putting an end to the knee pain.

Signs & Symptoms for Knee Replacement
Here are some signs that you may need knee replacement surgery;
- Persistent Knee Pain
- Swelling and Inflammation
- Reduced Range of Motion
- Difficulty Performing
- Lifestyle limitations
- Knee Instability
If you are going through any of these signs and symptoms, then it might be the right time to consult an orthopedic surgeon to get a better understanding of your condition. Do not ignore what your body is trying to tell you, and get the help you need at the right time. The more you delay, the worse your condition gets.

Who is Dr. Ahmed Shoaib?
Dr. Ahmed Shoaib is a highly reputed orthopedic surgeon in Lahore. He is famous for his professional expertise and compassionate care for his patients. He is the founder of Orthocenter, an orthopedic clinic in Lahore, Pakistan. For over 20 years Dr. Shoaib has been offering services and procedures such as Knee replacements, Ankle fracture repair, bone cancer surgery, Wrist & shoulder Fracture surgeries, Arthroscopic Surgery, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment, Hip Replacement, Joint injections and Replacement procedures.
He earned his MBBS from Allama Iqbal Medical College in 2002. After that he went to the UK to pursue advanced training. He achieved MRCS in 2006 and FRCS in Trauma and Orthopedics in 2017.
Dr. Ahmed Shoaib has also been actively contributing to medical research. His research has been published in esteemed journals and presented globally. Upon returning to Pakistan in 2020, he brought his vast knowledge, years of experience, and passion for patient care. Here, he further enhanced orthopedic services and opened an Orthocenter in Lahore. Currently, he serves as a consultant orthopedic surgeon. He is committed to transforming the lives of his people through exceptional surgical care and advanced treatments.
Causes of Knee Replacement Surgery
There are different causes that can lead to the need for knee replacement surgery. However, the main reason is a pain in the knee joint that is stopping you from moving freely and comfortably. The causes for knee replacement in Lahore include;
This is the most common reason for knee replacement. Osteoarthritis develops when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. As a result, it causes the bones to rub against each other, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling in the knee joint.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
It is an autoimmune disorder. Your joints are covered with a layer called a synovial membrane. This membrane acts as a shock absorber in your joint and also lubricates the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system attacks this membrane causing joint pain, swelling and deformity.
Post-Traumatic Arthritis
Bone Tumors
Bone tumours in or around the knee joint are very rare. The treatment of these bone cancer disease treatment requires the removal of the affected bone and joint replacement.
Knee replacement surgery is typically considered when conservative treatments have been ineffective in managing symptoms. By thinking of getting a knee replacement in Lahore, you are making a choice of taking better care of yourself today.
Types of Knee Replacement Surgery
Total Knee Replacement (TKR)
Total knee replacement is recommended when your knee joint is damaged completely such as in the case of advanced arthritis. In this procedure, all three damaged surfaces of your knee joint are removed and artificial implants replace the entire knee joint.

Partial Knee Replacement (PKR)
Partial knee replacement is more common in young adults who have experienced trauma or an injury. This is also helpful when arthritis has not damaged the whole knee and is confined to one compartment. Partial knee replacement is done when the whole knee is not damaged. Instead, only one compartment needs to be replaced. Hence, it is also known as unicompartment knee replacement. Dr Ahmed Shoaib is one of the few orthopedic surgeons who is performing partial knee replacement in Lahore.
Knee Resurfacing
Knee resurfacing, also known as Patellofemoral arthroplasty, involves replacing the damaged surface of your kneecap and the lower end of the femur. This procedure is recommended for people who are suffering from isolated patellofemoral arthritis or those who have cartilage damage in this area only.
Selecting the right procedure for a patient depends upon how much their knee is damaged. For many people, knee replacement surgery is their ticket towards independent and pain free life. Although knee replacement surgery involves risks like any other surgery, patients final thoughts always conclude that the risk is worth taking as the benefits outweighs the potential drawbacks.

Your Complete Guide for Knee Replacement Surgery
Physical Examination
When you first visit orthopedic center, we conduct complete physical exam and take your medical history. We run necessary tests including blood tests, X-rays, MRI or CT scan according to your pain and symptoms to get a better picture of your condition. These test results tell us about your health and the extent of damage to your knee joint. We make our next decision based on these tests.
Knee Replacement Procedure
The procedure usually takes 1 to 2 hours, and it is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, a cut is made over your knee and the damaged bone and tissues are removed. Then, an artificial implant made of metal or plastic is placed; once it is in the proper position, it is attached to the bone with bone cement or fixated to the bone. Then, the muscles and tendons around the new joint are repaired, and the surgical incisions are closed. When the surgery is completed, you will be transported to the recovery room.
The artificial implants are called knee prosthesis. The prosthesis is made up of metal and plastic. Cemented prostheses are the most common type, and they are attached to the bone with Arthroscopic Surgery. The uncemented prosthesis is attached with a porous surface, which allows the bone to grow around and to attach to the prosthesis. The uncemented prostheses are no longer commonly used. Instead, sometimes, a combination of the two is used to replace the knee joint.
Knee Replacement Recovery Period & Rehabilitation
Physical therapy starts immediately after your knee replacement surgery. Your physical therapist visits you after a few hours of your surgery to start your rehabilitation. Your therapist will get you up and walking with a walker, crutches, or crane and will educate you about the do’s and don’ts. You will learn strengthening exercises, transfer techniques for getting in and out of bed, walking with a walker or cane, stair climbing, and other activities of daily living. The physical therapist will guide you on how much weight you can put on your leg when you get up. Most of the patients can be fully weight-bearing right away after their surgery. You will receive some home physical therapy sessions for the next five to six weeks after you are discharged from the hospital. You can slowly increase your walking distances depending on your progress.

The Best Clinic for Knee Replacement in Lahore
Health comes before anything else, however with age, it starts to deteriorate as the body undergoes the natural route of wear and tear. Aging is different for everyone but knee pain occurs for most of the people and takes away the comfort and dignity from one’s life as the person becomes dependent on someone else for every little thing. This is where knee replacement surgery comes in, to the rescue.
Knee replacement surgery can get you back on your feet. If your knee pain is affecting your life, then it is the right time to consult a specialist. Dr Ahmed Shoaib is a UK-qualified and skilled orthopedic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. Knee replacement surgery is one of his areas of specialization. Contact us today to get your knee pain checked!
The time that you may need a walking aid after total joint replacement is variable. In general, if your surgeon allows you to place as much weight as tolerated on your total joint replacement. Most patients use a walker for approximately 3-4 weeks and then a cane for another 2-4 weeks. You should use a walking aid until you feel comfortable and safe walking without one. Your physiotherapist will help you through this transition.
This depends on your profession. Typically, if your work is sedentary, you may return when you are comfortable. If your job is more rigorous, you may need up to 3 months before you can return to full duty. In some cases, more or less time is necessary.
It is essential to work hard on your range of motion after surgery. For some, it can take up to three months to maximize your motion. The amount of motion you get after knee replacement depends on how much motion you had prior to surgery.